K-12 Education

Ensure the safety of children and a positive work environment by screening and monitoring school staff through social media analysis

In the K-12 educational environment, the safety and well-being of students are the highest priorities. From teachers and counsellors to administrative staff, classroom assistants, janitors, and volunteers, every individual who interacts with children plays a critical role in creating a secure and nurturing learning environment. Given the responsibility these individuals hold, it is essential to ensure that they align with the school’s values and maintain the highest standards of behaviour, both inside and outside of school.

Traditional background checks offer limited insight into candidate character. By adding social media screening you get a more complete view of potential hires.

Social media screening provides schools with a powerful tool to vet potential hires and volunteers before they are entrusted with the care of children. In addition, it can be used to monitor staff behaviour after hire, ensuring that any emerging risks are quickly identified and addressed. For roles that involve direct contact with students, such as teachers and counsellors, it’s critical to identify behaviour or attitudes that could pose a risk to the safety and well-being of the children. For other staff members, such as janitors or administrative personnel, it’s equally important to ensure a positive work environment and reduce the risk of harmful or inappropriate behaviours affecting students or colleagues.

Traditional background checks may not uncover all the risks present in an individual’s social media activity. Social media screening enhances the vetting process by providing a more comprehensive view of a candidate’s public online presence, allowing schools to make better-informed hiring decisions and maintain a safe educational environment.

Ferretly’s AI-powered platform can analyse up to 10 years of social media activity across platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and TikTok. Our system scans for a range of potential risks, including inappropriate content, violent tendencies, substance abuse, discriminatory behaviour, and other factors that could threaten the safety of students or disrupt the school environment. This thorough screening process helps schools select candidates who align with their values and contribute to a safe, supportive learning environment.

By integrating social media screening into your hiring and monitoring practises, you can create a safer environment for children, foster a positive workplace for staff, and reduce turnover by ensuring you hire individuals who are the right fit for your school. Ferretly’s intuitive cloud platform delivers consistent, unbiased, and efficient reports, helping schools protect students and staff while maintaining the highest standards of professionalism and safety.

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